Pictures Tell A Thousand Lies

It’s cliché for us to say that pictures don’t lie. I equally held this belief until I was woken up from my Kant-like dogmatic slumber by something that happened on BBM. My friend Oheta had used the picture below as his dp on BBM, and at first I just laughed it off, then wisdom spoke to me. Therefore I have risen in defence of these three men that have been so unfairly judged by the world of memes. Before I continue, I’ll assert that these three are men whether or not they have beards, help a pregnant woman or change the world. Being a man is strictly biological. Whether or not they’re good men is left for you to argue after reading this post.

The picture shows three bearded men sitting in a train while a pregnant lady is standing. One of the men appears to be asleep while the other two were seemingly awake. Then comes the inscription “Beard Doesn’t Make You A Man.”
My defense of these gentlemen will be rooted in the doctrine of “audi alteram partem” which translates to “let the other party be heard.” It is a sin against these men for the maker of this meme to have passed judgment on them without hearing what they had to say. So here is what I have to say;

1. The first guy on the left is seemingly sleeping, so it is apparently impossible for him to have seen the pregnant woman since the picture hasn’t stated otherwise.
2. The picture hasn’t stated whether these two guys are physically fit to stand in the train the way the pregnant woman is standing.
3. The picture wants you to believe that the men are callous, but what if they had asked the lady to sit but she refused? The picture hasn’t said it all.
4. The men in the picture look very exhausted, and who knows what they have been doing all day?
5. What if the man on the extreme right is an undercover agent that is following a target? You want him to stand in the aisle so that the target will see him?
6. What if the man in the middle is lame in the left feet/has a grievous wound on the left feet, which we cannot see because the woman is blocking our view?

You see? I’m not saying it’s cool not to care for pregnant women, but all I’m saying is, pictures can tell a thousand lies depending on whose hands it is. When next you’re tempted to pass judgment using the strength of a picture, remember that pictures don’t tell the full story.
Oh, and thanks Oheta @oheta_agi, for the picture.
Have a great weekend and support GEJ, and our troops.

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